ERTC Employee Retention Tax Credit

January 3, 2023
Written by Peter Anderson

The ERC/ERTC (Employee Retention Credit) is a tax credit for businesses (still available in 2023) that have between 5 and 500 employees and either: 

1. Had to partially or fully shutdown any time between 2020 and 2021


2. Lost at least 20% gross receipts in any quarter or 2020 or 2021

If either #1 or 2 apply to your business, you are eligible for the employee retention credit!

To find out exactly how much money you will receive from the government and start the process of claiming your funds, fill out the short form below. 

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ERTC tax credit experts will help you get your check quickly and easily. 

Who is Eligible or Qualifies for the ERTC?

To qualify and be eligible to receive the tax credit, a business must have employed between 5 and 500 employees other than the owner in any quarter between March 12, 2020 and December 31, 2021.

If a business meets the requirement above and ANY one of the following below, the may be eligible to receive tax credits:

- Any partial or full shutdown by the government during any part of 2020

- A decrease in gross receipts at least 20% in the same quarter previous year.

In 2021, the American Rescue Plan expanded the Cares Act and allows business to get compensated for W2 employees that they continued paying in 2020 and through December 2021 with the Employee Retention Credit (ERC) also known as the Employee Retention Tax Credit (ERTC).

It was created as an incentive to keep Americans employed during difficult times that were caused by the pandemic.

There's no secret that Covid-19 affected small businesses, but many people like yourself kept paying your employees despite this. If you had 5 or more W2 employees (besides the owner) in any quarter between 2020 and 2021, you're eligible to receive funds from the IRS for those payroll and health costs you incurred.

To see how much money you can get, fill out the form below.

There's a lot of confusion on the Employee Retention Credit and even CPA's and accountants don't fully understand this. I've heard from many CPA's that you can't get the funds anymore or that if you received PPP funds, then you can't get the ERC or ERTC.

The truth is, you can go the IRS website and read for yourself. It was expanded by the American Rescue Plan Act which allows any business who has more than 5 employees and under 500 employees to get money back for employees that continued paying in 2020-2021.

Even if you received PPP Loans, you may still be eligible for the costs that were not covered by it. Fill out the form and we'll find out for you how much you're eligible to receive.

Many people think the funds passed their deadline and that it's only for 2020. But the American Rescue Plan expanded it to cover up to December of 2021.

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ERTC tax credit experts will help you get your check quickly and easily. 

How Exactly does the Employee Retention Work?

Small businesses who had between over 5 employees other than the owner and less than 500 employees can receive up to $28,000 per employee per quarter in 2021. It's available for all 4 quarters.

For 2020, the tax credit is for certain taxes for wages paid in the last 3 quarters beginning March 12, 2020 and through the end of 2020.

The ERC Tax Credit is 50% of the wages paid up to $10k per employee, with a maximum capped at $5,000 per employee.

What if You Received PPP Loans?

If you took out PPP Loans in 2020, even if they were forgiven, you can still claim the ERC for 2020. You just can't use the same wages that were applied for the PPP loans. So if you had more payroll costs than were covered by the PPP Loan, then you might be able to get credits for that.

If you are a company that has been paying your employees for many years, you may qualify for the employee retention credit. This credit is designed to encourage you to keep your best workers on board. Getting this credit can help you save money on your payroll for your employees, which is always a welcome benefit. However, you should be aware of some of the questions that you will need to answer in order to get it.

What is the ERTC?

Employee Retention Credit is a credit against taxes due on the wages paid to employees. This credit is available to eligible employers. There are several ways to claim the Employee Retention Credit. Some of the most common ways are through an amended quarterly or annual payroll tax return, advance payment, or an employer's report of qualified wages.

The Employee Retention Credit is a valuable tool that can help a business recover from COVID-19. However, qualifying for this program can be challenging. It is best to consult a qualified tax professional for advice. They can help businesses make the most of this program.

A significant drop in gross receipts is required. This must have occurred during the calendar quarter in question. For example, if your gross receipts have dropped 20%, you may be eligible to claim a $28,000 tax credit per employee.

Businesses must have fewer than 500 full-time employees in order to qualify for the Employee Retention Credit. In addition to qualifying for the Employee Retention Credit, a business can take advantage of the Small Company Disruption Credit.

As with any program, the Employee Retention Credit has undergone several changes since it was first introduced in March 2020. However, a few key adjustments have made it more accessible to a wider range of employers.

For businesses that have not yet been eligible for the Employee Retention Credit, the new regulations allow them to file for advance payments on the credit. These advances can be secured by filing an amended Form 941-X.

Employee Retention Tax Credit is designed to encourage businesses to keep their employees on the payroll during an outbreak of a pandemic. This helps them to avoid the monetary consequences that can be associated with the government's shutdown of commerce.

The employee retention credit was originally scheduled to expire January 1, 2022. However, it was retroactively accelerated in the 2021 Infrastructure Bill.

Which payments qualify for ERC?

The Employee Retention Credit (ERC) allows qualified employers to reduce their payroll taxes paid to the Government. ERC is a tax credit of up to half of an employee's earnings. Employers can claim the credit against their payroll taxes, and it can help them pay their employees during unexpected events.

To qualify for the Employee Retention Credit, an employer must have an average of 500 or fewer full-time employees during the first three calendar quarters of 2020. They must also have gross revenues that have fallen drastically during the calendar quarter.

If an employer does not meet this eligibility criteria, they can claim the ERTC retroactively. However, they can only do this until 2024. In addition, they must retain records of their grant use.

The Employee Retention Tax Credit is a government aid that encourages employers to keep people on the payroll during a pandemic. Despite its complexity, the program is designed to give businesses a financial break. There are a number of ways to calculate the credit. These include a simple 60-second quiz and the ERTC Decision Helper.

Until now, businesses were unable to claim the Employee Retention Tax Credit until the end of the year. Nevertheless, recent adjustments to the qualifying standards have made the credit more accessible.

For the remainder of 2021, an eligible restaurant can claim a tax credit for up to $7000 per employee. The amount is based on the number of employees and the percentage of their gross receipts that have declined. Alternatively, a business may be able to receive a $50,000 credit in the fourth quarter of 2021.

A business may also be eligible for PPP loan forgiveness. However, in order to qualify for this, they must submit an application. This application must contain all the costs incurred by the business, including non-payroll expenses such as rent, utilities, and operations.

Businesses can also request an advance from the IRS to pay their employees. Advances are a great way to alleviate liquidity concerns. Depending on the size of the business, this can be a significant help.

ERTC tax credit experts will help you get your check quickly and easily. 

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Is ERTC only for full-time employees?

Employee Retention Credit (ERTC) is a tax credit that encourages employers to retain employees. The tax credit can be claimed against qualified wages. ERTC allows businesses to claim up to $7,000 in refundable payroll tax credits per quarter.

ERTC can be claimed by any eligible employer. A business is considered eligible for a tax credit when its average full-time employee rate is 100 percent or less in the prior calendar year. ERTC is also available to recover the cost of health insurance for its employees.

In order to claim a credit, the business must determine whether its employees qualify for the credit. To do this, the employer must calculate the number of its employees, which is based on the ACA's "employer shared responsibility" provision. Employers may include wages paid to part-time employees in the ERC calculation.

The CARES Act of 2015 enacted a variety of changes to the ERTC program. Businesses must submit required documentation by the end of each quarterly period. Those who fail to do so are subject to a penalty. However, there is still time for eligible businesses to claim the credit.

Until 2021, a business is only eligible to claim a credit for a certain period of time. For the 2020 credit, the reference period is the 2019 calendar year. During the 2021 eligibility period, an employer can only claim a credit for 70 percent of its qualified wages. Depending on its size, the maximum credit will vary.

Besides claiming a refundable credit, a business can also offset its payroll tax deposits to claim the ERTC. These deposits can be repaid by the due date for the applicable employment tax return. If the business does not repay its advance ERTC, the business is ineligible to receive any refundable ERTC for the Q4 2021 tax year.

If the advance ERTC was paid by a PEO or CPEO, the employee's wages are not included in the employer's calculation of ERTC. Nevertheless, if an employer was subject to an advanced ERTC, the employer must repay the credit within 30 days of the due date of the applicable employment tax return.

When is the deadline for ERC?

The Employee Retention Credit (ERTC) is an incentive designed to help businesses in difficult economic conditions. This program rewards eligible employers with a credit of up to $26,000 per employee. A business can claim this credit retroactively, but there are eligibility requirements.

To qualify for the ERTC, a business must pay qualified wages and be subject to a significant decline in gross receipts. In order to meet the criteria, the decline must occur in a calendar quarter. If the gross receipts fall by more than 20% in a given quarter, the business is considered eligible for the ERTC.

The deadline for claiming an ERTC refund is October 1, 2021. Employers can file a Form 941-X to claim the tax credit, but they must also meet certain eligibility requirements. For example, an employer may only include the wages paid to full-time employees in the calculation of the ERC.

To determine if a business meets the ERTC eligibility requirements, businesses must review their payroll records from the last couple of years. It may be necessary to consult a business solutions provider.

Businesses that received loans from the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) are also eligible for the ERTC. In addition to calculating the qualified wages, employers must consider non-payroll costs such as rent, utilities, and operations expenses. These costs must be included in the application for the loan forgiveness.

Employers that missed the 2020 employee retention credit can still claim it by filing an amended quarterly federal or payroll tax return. However, they must do so within three years of the original filing date. Depending on the size of the business, the credit can range from $7,000 to $26,000 per employee.

In addition to filing an amended annual tax return or payroll tax return, businesses must submit the required documentation. Failure to do so could result in penalties.

Employers can apply for a refund of up to 50% of their qualified wages. Depending on the size of the business, a company can earn up to $21,000 in ERTC for the third quarter of 2020 and up to $26,000 in ERTC for the fourth quarter of 2021.